Saturday, August 23, 2008

My birthday!!!!

So, I had the best birthday ever!!! It was really funny because there were some people in the church that had planned a surprise party for me and they had stayed up until 1 am in the morning one night planning it, then on Wednesday one of them blew it and told me that they were coming to my party!!!! But for some reason they still thought I didn't know about it!!! They had told my parents to tell me it was a Bible Study so that I would come, but of course i knew it was a party anyways we got there and they "escorted" me into the living room and it was totally decked out!!!! They had decorations EVERYWHERE, but there wasn't any people in there so I just sat down.... then all the sudden people jumped out from, closets, the kitchen, and the balcony, scaring me half to death, then they sang happy birthday to me in 3 different languages including English!!! Then they put a crown on my head and formed a conga line!!!!! That is a birthday I will remember for the rest of my life!!!! they had every person in the room get up and speak then they gave me presents and if they were shoes or something they made me model them... lol!! This was a birthday I will remember for the rest of my life!!!!

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